Call for Papers Vol. 2 No. 2 Tahun 2023
Kami mengundang para peneliti, akademisi dan praktis untuk mengirimkan manuskrip hasil penelitian ke Journal of Informatics and Computing (RANDOM). RANDOM adalah sebuah jurnal blind peer-review yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian yang berkualitas dalam bidang ilmu komputer dan Teknologi. Semua publikasi di junal RANDOM bersifat akses terbuka yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia secara bebas online tanpa berlangganan apapun dan bebas biaya. silahkan klik disini untuk submit online.
Focus and Scope:
1. Information System
- Management information Systems
- Business Intelligence
- Intelligence Decision Support
- Enterprise Resources Planning
- Strategic Information System
- Data Warehouse
- Supply Chain Management
2. Image and Speech Processing
3. Sofware Engineering and Its Development
- Method and Tools for software requirement, Design Architecture, verification and validation, testing, maintenance and evolution
- Software development methods and tools
- Devops, Continues Integration / Continues Development, build and test automation
4. Analysis and Design
- Model-driven development
- Requirements engineering
- Verification and validation
- Maintenance and evolution
- Quality assurance
- Dependability analysis
- Project management
- Organization models for software development
- Predictive models for software dependability
- Software engineering economics
5. High Performance Computing
6. Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning and Soft Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Computer Vision and Pattern recognition
- Semantic web
- Expert system
7. Data Science
8. Computer Systems and Networking
- Cyber-Physical System; embedded system; internet of things; computer architecture
- Network Protocols and Architectures
- Mobile and Wireless Networks;
- Network Management;
- Applications and Service;
- Network information theory and coding;
- Security System;
- Cloud Computing;