Journal of Informatics and Computing 2023-11-30T07:19:10+00:00 Nur Budi Nugraha, S.Kom., MT Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of informatics and computing (RANDOM) is a national journal published by Center for Research and Community Service <a href="">(P3M)</a> - Politeknik Negeri Indramayu <a href="">(POLINDRA)</a>. Starting in 2022, RANDOM published two times a year (Mei and November). RANDOM contains articles on the results of Informatics Engineering field. RANDOM is committed to becoming the best national journal by publishing the best quality of research articles. RANDOM focus on Information Systems, Image and Speech Processing, Software Engineering, Computer Modeling and Simulation, High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Computer Systems and Networking.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> PERANCANGAN JARINGAN KOMPUTER SEBAGAI KONSEP UNTUK MEMBANGUN LABORATORIUM MULTIMEDIA DAN BAHASA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE PENDEKATAN PPDIOO 2023-05-26T04:48:03+00:00 Fajar Sodiq <p><em>The construction of a computer laboratory at YPPI Rembang University is needed to meet the needs of new study programs. With the existence of a computer laboratory, it is hoped that it can support the lectures carried out for the Information Systems Study Program in particular. The construction of the laboratory requires a concept or planning based on the area of ​​the location, as well as hardware specifications that will be used to design a computer network. The design of this computer network is used as a reference or description when it will be implemented which devices will be used to build the multimedia and language laboratory. This study uses the PPDIOO approach where the method has stages in the form of operators and also optimization of hardware performance as well as computer network devices used so that it is expected to facilitate maintenance in hardware, software and computer network devices, so as to minimize damage or errors in the communication process between client PCs and campus server PCs as well as control PCs in multimedia and language laboratories.</em></p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Informatics and Computing INFORMATION SYSTEM OF FIELD RENTAL IN SPORTS AREAS (CASE STUDY OF SPORTS AREAS IN DKI JAKARTA) 2023-05-31T01:06:31+00:00 Ari Maulana Tri Wahyu Widyaningsih <table width="605"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="370"> <p><em>Sport is a physical activity that is carried out regularly to maintain health and stamina. Therefore, the government provides facilities for the community in the form of Sports Arena (GOR). GOR management is managed by the government in each region, so the handling of GOR in each region is different. This study designed a badminton court rental service system where the previous system was still done manually. People who want to rent must come to the location of the badminton court in advance to search for a schedule and rent a badminton court. To make it more accessible, the system was developed using a web-based application with an Agile Extreme Programming model. That is a software development method that begins with the Planning, Design, Coding, and Testing stages. This Information System can provide information regarding badminton courts, badminton court search features and badminton court bookings. Alpha test results show that the system built is running well. Then the results of beta testing from the results of the questionnaire using the Likert scale analysis method and based on the Kaplan and Norton models show that from 20 users and managers the average satisfaction result is 3.36 which is at the 'quite satisfactory' level. Based on the results of the alpha and beta testing, it can be concluded that this web-based rental information system is appropriate and meets the needs of users and badminton court managers.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Informatics and Computing DESIGN A WEB BASED POINT OF SALES INFORMATION SYSTEM IN JDC RESTAURANT 2023-05-30T01:24:20+00:00 Khairul Huda Hargokendar Suhud Youfih Herlina <p><em>JDC restaurant is a business engaged in the catering sector which provides a form of service for ordering food and drinks both on a large and small scale. The sales system currently used is still manual, this makes the sales transaction process and reporting ineffective and inefficient. This manual process makes the data presented less accurate and has a high risk of errors, damage, and data loss. Based on these problems, it is necessary to have a web based point of sales system where all business processes are computerized so that it is expected to support performance, facilitate and optimize business processes at JDC restaurants. System testing is carried out using black box testing indicating that the system has succeeded in carrying out input, processing, and producing output as expected in the system design.</em></p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Informatics and Computing ANDROID-BASED EMPLOYEE LEAVE APPLICATION INFORMATION SYSTEM AT THE MINISTRY OF RELIGION, NORTH CENTRAL TIMOR DISTRICT 2023-10-27T08:00:59+00:00 Yayu Ulfaningsi Subagio Yoseph P.K Kelen Budiman Baso <p>The Indonesian Ministry of Religion, North Central Timor Regency is the Indonesian government ministry in charge of religious affairs. One of the things that employees of the North Central Timor Regency Ministry of Religion office often complain about is that the leave application system is still conventional, namely using a leave application form. With this conventional method, applying for leave is less effective in the work process and takes a long time. To overcome this problem, the right solution is to build an Android-based employee leave application information system application at the Ministry of Religion of North Central Timor Regency. The programming language used in this research is PHP and framework_laravel and the database used in building the SICUTI application is Mysql, the system development method uses the Mobile-D method. The tests used to test the capabilities of the SICUTI application are carried out in two ways, namely software testing using a black box and user testing by distributing questionnaires to 20 respondents who have used the SICUTI application. From the results of the user testing, the SICUTI application has reached the predetermined criteria, namely with a value of 87.67%, which means the SICUTI application is declared good for use.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Informatics and Computing Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pada Distributor Makaroni Mercon Berbasis Web 2022-08-26T06:28:14+00:00 Bowo Mulliyanto Damar Nurcahyono Anton Topadang <p>Distribusi merupakan tindakan pemasaran yang memasok barang dan juga jasa antar produsen dan konsumen. Pengaruh yang bermanfaat dari perkembangan teknologi di era globalisasi menyediakan ruang untuk distribusi dalam aspek perdagangan. Proses bisnis distributor makaroni mercon masih belum sempurna, seperti proses sistem penjualan yang masih terdesentralisasi sehingga kegiatan transaksi penjualan produk dan pengolahan data transaksi tidak efisien, efisien, sistematis dan terintegrasi sehingga data transaksi dan laporan penjualan masih belum akurat. Hal ini dilihat berdasarkan hasil wawancara serta hasil observasi. Tujuan adanya penelitian ini untuk memberikan terobosan pengunaan aplikasi sistem informasi penjualan pada Distributor Makaroni Mercon berbasis webite. Penggunaan teknologi ini diharapkan dapat membantu distributor melacak setiap penjualan. Metode Waterfall adalah metode pengembangan software yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Dengan mengkaji keperluan teknologi saat ini, penulis telah membentuk sebuah aplikasi yang dapat menunjang proses penjualan pada retailer. Dari analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Sistem Informasi Penjualan Mistributor Macaroni Mercon digunakan untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan dalam proses penjualan yang juga meliputi operasional dan kinerja distributor. melalui sistem informasi penjualan ini dapat membantu distributor dalam proses bisnis penjualan yakni pengelolaan data serta produk sehingga menjadi informasi yang lebih efektif, cepat, akurat dan optimal.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Informatics and Computing WEB BASED LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEM AT SD NEGERI 01 WINDUAJI 2023-05-11T01:32:24+00:00 Ajeng Ahmad Faizin Abdul Jamil <p><em>The library is a facility owned by educational institutions in their service efforts in the field of education. The role of the library is very important in providing scientific books for students and teachers in an effort to provide maximum service. In today's digital era, books have switched to media, which initially only consisted of sheets of paper and now in the form of digital images or writing. In the library information system, usually in recording using sheets of paper in the form of books, for example book data, borrowing data and others. By using a system that is still manual, there will be a risk of data loss and damage to the ledger, in the process of searching the data it also takes a long time. It will be easier and more practical when the information system is managed well computerized.</em></p> <p><em>SDLC is the method used to build a library information system at SD Negeri 01 winduaji because this method is effective and efficient in its implementation. The web-based library information system includes member masters, book masters, transactions, reports, fines and officers who later can input all data using a computerized system to make it easier for librarian.</em></p> <p><em>System testing carried out using blackbox testing by Mr. Adimas as the library manager at SD Negeri 01 Winduaji proves that the library information system at SD Negeri 01 Winduaji can run well with a percentage gain of 90% for its success and it is hoped that the management system created can ease the management of the library in SD Negeri 01 as in the master members, master books, transactions, reports, fines and officers at SD Negeri 01 Winduaji.</em></p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Informatics and Computing